Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wednesday 20th October

(Sorry for the technical delays).

Today, was interesting. Everyone in their school who has a big-headed brat who says they're so good at singing and all that rubbish and says she's been to so many auditions (But secretly not got anywhere) well she insulted me in P.E. today. We've moved on to trampolining in P.E. and she had the cheek to ask me to do my jumps again and tell me I wasn't doing them properly, when she couldn't even do a seatdrop. Funniest part was when it was lunchtime (The final show until the finals tomorrow) and she got a massive boo (Not from me or anything..) and yeah she was really annoyed. Also at the show, you know you get the breakdancers who are good? Well today we got one who looked like he was having a fit. Let's just say Simon Cowell wouldn't enjoy our show at all today. After school, me and a few friends went down to the chip shop after school. As I was walking down there, I stepped in a ketchup packet and it sprayed all over my area. People thought I had had an accident in the queue, the very long queue.Also do you know what question I hate more than ever, 'What are you wearing tomorrow?'. Clothes are a way to express yourself and your feelings and if you ask your kinda saying I have no personality. See ya's tomorrow. Remember to follow.

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