Wednesday 27 June 2012

Wednesday 27th June

Today was interesting. The best quote I heard today was,'A cupcake the day keeps the sanity at bay.' Doesn't keep the calories at bay. Why is it always when you go and buy food it always tastes SOOOO much better than when you make it yourself? I know I probably put in a dash of sugar or butter (I don't own weighing scales yet, my mum always says 'remind me when I have money'. When I suggest buying a temp one she says, 'Noo I want a special pink one like Nigella!' true, Nigella has lush scales. I finally understood her 'flirty' cooking the other day. She was grating carrots and said, 'I would grate them in the processor, but it makes the carrots wet' then she winked, saucily. Even if you're just purchasing a birthday cake, it always tastes amazing. Or a fat free ready meal- it tastes fab. Whenever I fancy cake, I bake some to quite a decent standard (No burns, no lumpy icing etc) and I always say, 'Still fancy a Waitrose cake pop'.
Didn't record Katie last night. Did almost cry when it wasn't on Anytime. They record the first 3 episodes then expect us to actually record it ourselves. 'Nah, I rely on Anytime. I pay to be lazy.' Our family's reaction to the brainy, TV. But nooo, I was sat watching the news. The Spice Girls were interesting. I've always loved Posh, she's the pretty one and she's so 'laid back' about everything. Is it because she's 'posh' and loaded? Who knows; but I like it. They all babble on and leave her out. She's such a lovely person though. I've been offered the chance to see the musical, Viva Forever! AND The Bodyguard. They both seem fab, but i'm not sure. I'm paying so I could indulge or be the tight wod. If they can contend after Singin' In The Rain...
Maths exam went great; bearing in mind I had about 5 minutes of revision done. Also, Justin Bieber unfollowed my friend! Now she's just followed by the fan club. HAHAHAHA. My version of LMAO.
See ya's for tomorrow dahlings. P.S. AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW, OOOOH. x

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