Hola Stylistas from far and wide!

So I've just heard about #TeenBlogSeries which is a ten week programme for teen bloggers where a different theme is revealed each week and all the teen bloggers involved post their interpretation of the theme at 6:30pm on Mondays through the #TeenBlogSeries hashtag.
Todays theme is '10 Facts about me' and on with the post we go...
- I've been blogging for nearly 3 years. This is an eye-opener as blogs have suddenly become a cult sensation within the last year, every company or retailer seems to have one and have only recently become a common factor in the job workplace, already. Sad as it now devalues the content written.
- I've been retweeted by Zhenya Katava, Kelly Mittendorf and Karolina Kurkova. If you're a bit puzzled and feel alienated at the names you just read- they are models! And that's one of the issues I love to write about and even got me into the final of #ColumnIdol with The Sun Newspaper.
- A blogging event sent me to A&E with hypothermia. No further comments.
- The most popular blog post I wrote was 'Summer Bucket List 2013'- ironically I didn't do half of the things on the list.
- If I'm not blogging; you'll find me volunteering at Girl Guiding meetings, on a photo shoot, working, studying or burning off cupcakes.
- Yes, I go mad for cupcakes! Frankly, who wouldn't? It's a feasible, immaculately decorated portion of cake!
- My sister is my nail model as I have no nails for nail art tutorials! Literally, I had to order false nails for my prom night and well... I couldn't grab or hold anything as they were so impractically big for my fingers.
- I don't wear make-up voluntarily. Which disadvantages me for future posts in this series sadly :(
- The Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game is slowly growing on me (I hate the Kardashians... sorry, but how is someone moaning about their expensive life worthy of a TV show?). I'm on the A-list, thank god.
- Until last Thursday, I was the only family member (in my house) to have not attended a grammar school.